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Institution Summary

Baringo Technical College is a public training institution poised to provide the best in post-secondary technical, industrial, vocational and entrepreneurial training (TIVET). The institution is strategically located and accessible by a tarmacked road on the Kabarnet ? Tenges road. The institution is only 5 Km from the Baringo county headquarters ? Kabarnet. This makes it benefit from ease of access to administrative services, taking advantage of the opportunities presented by the commercial enterprises within the town

Our mandate is to provide training on skills required in the realization of the big four agenda. The specialized course offered here are facilitated through six admitting departments providing practical instruction, namely; 1.Building, Civil and Electrical Engineering, 2.Business and Development Studies,3. Hospitality and Dietetics Management, 4.Mechanical and Automotive Engineering and 5. Information Communication Technology. 6. Agriculture. The management of the institution is governed through the Board of Governors operating under the Ministry of Education, State Department for Vocational and Technical Training.

Institution Info

Physical AddressKapsoo along Kabarnet - Tenges Road ,Baringo,Kenya
Phone: (+254)
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