In this series we take a sole focus on developing the man the Father. One of the greatest benefit of attending this class especially for new / soon to be fathers is that they get to learn from the experienced fathers who are usually part of the class. 

This Series takes a sole focus on enlightening even experienced fathers on issues that might be affecting their role as fathers that they may not even be aware of.

If you intend to be part of this program kindly do not forget to register via our website 

  • Every Father should remember that one day his Son will follow His example instead of His advice.’ This Course particularly focuses on the importance of a father in the family unit and how a father shapes the legacy of his family

    A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches Proverbs 22:1

    If you intend to be part of this program kindly do not forget to register via our website

    Self enrolmentInvitation
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